Faculty of Agriculture
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All students of academic year 24-25 process for their registration form here.
All students of academic year 24-25 process for their registration form here.
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At Sri Krishna University, we are honored to host distinguished guests who inspire and enrich our academic community.
SKU University campus is a diverse, sociable community, where imagination thrives and ambitions are realized. The University is committed to providing a positive learning environment free from any form of discrimination, harassment and bullying, where all students are treated with respect and dignity.
Shri Krishna University is dedicated to providing superior education and exceptional knowledge to its students. Our Strategy 2020 outlines key goals and actions to address challenges while ensuring long-term success. Through analysis, reflection, and engagement, we aim to strengthen our position as a world-leading university.
Established Under the provisions given in Section 4 of the Madhya Pradesh Private Universities Sthapana Avam Sanchalan Adhiniyam 2007