The finest computing environment exists at the SKU campus with computer labs having state-of the-art technological equipments hardware, software and internet facilities. The university has 24 hours high-speed connectivity of internet through leased line.

Our Vision Will Set The Direction

  • Becoming a vibrant knowledge Centre and a Centre of Excellence in teaching, research and extension activities.
  • Bringing about conservation, creation advancement and dissemination of knowledge.
  • Creating technologically equipped thought and action leaders in a wide range of spheres by providing value-based and high quality education.
  • Generating cutting edge research and innovations and enabling empowerment through social and regional inclusion.
  • Increasing global linkages by attracting international students and establishing collaborative programmes with educational institution of repute.

Four basic principles shall guide the Shri Krishna University: Our research, education and cooperation shall be characterised by a quest for high quality; our standpoints and decisions shall be based on a clear responsibility for the development of society; our work shall be guided by a global engagement that constantly reminds us of our role in the world; and an inspiring work environment is an important prerequisite.

The infrastructure enables the student to work on the latest software packages and programmes. All the computer labs operate for the duration of 12 hours, which is extended during peak hours. Students, faculty and staff have access to the computer labs, which provide the tools and technologies to produce websites, edit papers, complete class assignments, communicate via email, conduct data analysis and access library resources.

Microsoft Windows software is available for word processing, statistics, spreadsheets and database management. A variety of graphics and website-creation software programs are also available. We have more than 1500 computer system to facilitate the students, scholars and researcher. A number of specialty software packages, such as graphic, web design and statistical analysis programs, are also available. 24x7 Wi-Fi is available as well as strong protected antivirus for privacy.

In addition, the University hosts fully equipped IT labs in the academic section of the campus. The labs have routers, servers, Pcs, laptops, scanners, printers and other IT networking equipment from the market leaders. Students get the first hand experience working on them as part of curriculum and stay abreast of technological advancements.