SKU Health care delivers a comprehensive, high-quality health and fitness sustenance system in an efficient, confidential and caring manner in an effort to promote student success and emergency dealings. Our team strives to provide services that are student-centered, accessible and value-system based health oriented.

Our Vision Will Set The Direction

  • Becoming a vibrant knowledge Centre and a Centre of Excellence in teaching, research and extension activities.
  • Bringing about conservation, creation advancement and dissemination of knowledge.
  • Creating technologically equipped thought and action leaders in a wide range of spheres by providing value-based and high quality education.
  • Generating cutting edge research and innovations and enabling empowerment through social and regional inclusion.
  • Increasing global linkages by attracting international students and establishing collaborative programmes with educational institution of repute.

Four basic principles shall guide the Shri Krishna University: Our research, education and cooperation shall be characterised by a quest for high quality; our standpoints and decisions shall be based on a clear responsibility for the development of society; our work shall be guided by a global engagement that constantly reminds us of our role in the world; and an inspiring work environment is an important prerequisite.

Your safety and well-being are one of our highest priorities. SKU invests significant resources in a variety of activities and initiatives designed to increase security on our campus, increase your ability to make responsible decisions that enhance your well-being and leverage our positive relationship with local law enforcement agencies.

Health care services are located within the hostel and university campus.

  • First-aid facility.
  • Sickroom with more than twenty beds.
  • 24/7 availability of medical practitioners for students.
  • 24/7 Ambulance availability.
  • Health check-ups and Health camps are organized on a monthly basis.
  • Nurses visit, pharmacist consultations, blood Test, hearing screening, vision screening, blood pressure screening, sugar screening, weight checkups, venipuncture, health education services, medical supplies at a soon basis for our students.
  • Medications from our formulary to improve your health.
  • Over the counter medication available to our students at no charge
  • Drug information centres for providing all queries related to drug information such as drug-drug interaction, drug safety, drug toxicity and drug-food interactions.